Boarding Conditions
- Smoking is strictly prohibited in all areas on the vessel. Only permissible in designated areas on outside decks.
- Passengers are to familiarise themselves with safety notices, watch carefully the safety videos and pay attention to any P.A. announcements.
- Passengers are to be seated in areas of the vessel as indicated by the crew. Lying down on the sofas onboard vessels is prohibited. Passengers should strictly abide by ship’s crew instructions whilst on board company vessels.
- The service may be suspended / altered, postponed or subjected to a modified route in the event of bad weather conditions, technical problems, instructed by Authorities, Force Majeure or other unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the Company.
- Weapons, dangerous and / or illegal articles / materials / substances are strictly forbidden to be carried on board in any form or quantity. Passengers, their baggage / vehicles are liable to security searches by Company personnel. The Company will fully co-operate with the appropriate Authorities to prosecute persons found in possession of forbidden items.
- Parents travelling with children must ensure that they are supervised and remain seated throughout the voyage.
- Baggage – Passengers may take to their seats or allotted places only one item of hand luggage of not more than H 37cms x W 45cms x L 25 cms in measure and 5 Kgs in weight, all other luggage to be deposited by the passengers in the storage place reserved on the vessel as indicated by the vessel’s crew. Maximum 3 pieces of baggage per person. Any one piece of baggage must not exceed H 50cms x W 40cms x L 80cms (170 linear cms). The Company is not responsible for loss of or wilful damage to luggage. In the interest of safety, the Company may destroy any unaccompanied baggage or luggage left behind after disembarkation.
- Pets – Passengers must declare pets at booking stage and ensure that pets have a valid pet passport together with all the necessary vaccination certificates and all other documents. Upon boarding passengers must also notify vessel’s crew that they are carrying pets. Small pets carried in an appropriate leak-proof pet cage of a maximum 70cms x 51cms x 51.5cms, accompanied by the owner are accepted on coach transfers at a charge. We suggest you choose a sailing time which is best suited to your pet’s needs. The best time of day would be evenings or first thing in the morning when temperature is cooler.
The company offers four options of pet travel.
- 1. Pet Cabin - Pets can travel in an air conditioned & insulated pet cabin situated at the vessel’s vehicle garage level. Cages in the pet cabin are supplied by the company. Water / food to be supplied by pet owner. Pets are accepted in the pet cabin at a charge. Please view company fares. Pre-booking is a must as space in pet cabin is limited. Maximum one pet per cage. Please refer to diagram below..
- 2. Pets in Vehicles - Pets must be kept inside the car with open windows. There is no charge for the first three pets in a vehicle. Please view company fares.
- 3. Pets on outside deck - Pets (cats and dogs only) carried in an appropriate leak-proof pet cage of maximum size 91cms x 64cms x 67.50cms (Additional cage dimensions - 118cms x 81cms x 88cms - collapsible only.) may be placed, at a charge, on the outside passenger deck in the area allocated for pets. Pets on the outside passenger deck must be accompanied by the owner throughout the voyage and at no time are pets allowed outside their cage. If at any one time your pet is transiting through passenger areas, pet must be on a leash and wearing a muzzle. In case of inclement weather pets will not be allowed on the outside passenger deck and must travel in the garage or placed in a cage within passenger deck level in a designated area at the discretion of the Master. Pet owners who choose to travel with their pet in a pet cage have the possibility to leave the cage on board and make use of same crate on return voyage
- 4. Small pets in passenger areas: - Small pets (cats and dogs only) carried in an appropriate leak proof pet cage of maximum 70cms x 51cms x 51.5cms may be kept near the passenger seat in the passenger areas. Pets must be kept in their cage at all times. Pet owners are to ensure that their pets are obedient and do not in any way disturb other passengers. Dogs barking will be requested to relocate to an alternative designated area which may include the outside deck.
Service Dogs and Guide Dogs: Service dogs and Guide Dogs are welcome on board our vessels. Service Dogs and Guide Dogs must be certified by an organization that is a full member of Assistance Dogs International (ADI) or the International Guide Dogs Federation (IGDF). Only dogs certified under ADI or IGDF are recognized. During the voyage, service dogs must wear a standard identifying jacket and harness at all times. Passengers traveling with service dogs or guide dogs are required to notify us in advance by sending their request, along with a copy of the dog’s digital ID card, to [email protected] prior to their trip. Upon boarding, passengers must present the original certification document. Failure to provide this documentation will result in the service dog or guide dog being denied access to passenger areas. Service dogs and guide dogs are also permitted on coach transfers.
We recommend that during the hot Summer months, you pre book our air-conditioned pet cabin to ensure the wellbeing of your pet. Pets are not allowed in the passenger salons or in any of the passenger common areas with the exception of point 4 above (Small pets in passenger areas) and guide dogs. Passengers opting to leave their pets in the car during the voyage, rather than in the designated pet cabin, shall not be allowed to plug an electric fan into our garage deck electrical points to keep the fan running inside the car. The Company reserves the right to refuse boarding of pets on both the outside decks and garage deck on any given voyage. At the discretion of the Master, passengers may be allowed to visit their pets in the garage during the voyage and will be accompanied by a crew member. The owner is to ensure that the pet is fit for travel also keeping in mind the possibility of inclement weather. The Company is not responsible for the wellbeing of the pet, transportation of pets is at owner’s risk and responsibility.
For further inquiries regarding pets travelling to or from Malta, kindly visit the Veterinary Regulation Directorate site and follow the procedure indicated. In case of doubt contact +356 2292 5216/5172 from MONDAY TO FRIDAY from 7.00 am to 3.00 pm or in case of delays or emergency contact out of office hours (24/7) +356 9917 0532. You can also contact the Veterinary Regulation Directorate via Email at: [email protected] before the booking stage.
For further information regarding pet travel to Pozzallo, kindly contact ‘Ufficio Sanita Pubblica Veterinaria, Ragusa.’ Telefono: +39 0932 234958-960-613 Email: [email protected] .The Veterinary Authorities in Malta are to be contacted directly by passengers prior to arrival / departure Malta.
Kindly contact Virtu Ferries for further information.

- Passengers are reminded that it is their responsibility to ensure that they are fit to travel; your attention is drawn to the possibility of weather conditions changing during a voyage. Passengers with a medical condition, for which they have not sought professional advice, are asked to inform a member of the Company’s staff prior to departure. The Master of the vessel may, at his discretion and in the interest of the passenger, disallow boarding. Passengers with special needs are to advise a member of the crew of any requirements on boarding.
- Accompanying Vehicles – All dangerous goods as defined in the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code, as amended, shall be declared to the Company when effecting booking, in accordance with the applicable requirements. Vehicles with liquid gas must be declared when purchasing tickets. Failing such declaration, same goods will be refused. LPG Vehicles – Motor vehicles propelled by LPG should have gas storage and associates systems built to standards equivalent to the Road Vehicle (construction and Use) regulation 1986, as amended. Motor vehicles propelled by LPG Liquefied petroleum gas may be carried in the cargo spaces provided that: The ignition is switched off ;The tank is not full as to create a possibility of spillage ; The gas is contained in a cylinder or cylinders with valves which should be closed when the vehicle is in position on board the ship. Kindly ensure that all cylinders and pipes are fitted properly and securely. Acceptance of booking remains subject to applicable codes and legislation and authorization for carriage by the relevant authorities at loading and / or discharging ports. Vehicles are loaded and secured onboard in the order established by the Master. Vehicles shall be left in first gear (manual) or in ‘P’ (automatic) and with handbrake fully on. Personal belongings left in cars are at passenger’s own risk. The company will not be held responsible for any damage to the vehicles or to items therein. Any damage caused to the vessel or third parties by a vehicle is the liability of the owner of the vehicle and compensation must be settled before disembarkation. Master of the vessel may, at his discretion and in the interest of safety, not allow loading of vehicles/cargo whose weight/dimensions exceed the maximum allowed or the nature of which may constitute a hazard.The driver of the vehicle is responsible to ensure that cargo carried in / on vehicle is safely secured. The Master may disallow carriage if the cargo is not safely secured. All the lashing and other materials used to secure carriage on board the Vessel must be removed by Company personnel. Maximum overall height of vehicles must not exceed 4.35 metres on side lanes and 4.6 metres on centre lanes. Maximum weight for single wheel axle is 11 tonnes and 14 tonnes for double wheel axle. Total overall weight must not exceed 40 tonnes. Extra cargo will be unloaded and carried at driver’s expense. Weapons, dangerous and/or illegal articles/materials/substances are strictly forbidden to be carried on board in any form or quantity. The Carrier reserves the right to perform checks on passengers, their baggage / vehicles prior to boarding/embarkation pursuant to the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code). Passengers or commercial vehicle drivers, are not allowed to have a domestic fridge inside the vehicle, which is externally plugged into our garage deck electrical points during the voyage. The Company will fully co-operate with the appropriate Authorities to prosecute persons found in possession of forbidden items. In the case of vehicles with low underfloor clearance which may result in risk of damage, drivers will be advised that proceeding with boarding will be entirely at their own risk and responsibility or may even be the case of refused boarding. If in doubt, agents or drivers booking vehicles with low underfloor clearance are encouraged to contact Virtu Ferries at booking stage.
- Light vehicles carrying goods not for personal use will be charged commercial rates. This includes motor driven vehicles loaded on light vehicles. Towed trailers carrying goods or importation of any goods, will be charged commercial rates for the full length. Commercial tariffs apply for vehicles + towed trailers/extensions (except campers,) over 2 metres in width. Commercial tariffs will also be applied to trailers/extensions, less than 2m wide when being used for commercial purposes. Passenger-carrying minivans with a capacity of 10 seats / passengers or more, and will be carrying less than 50% of their passenger capacity, will be charged commercial tariffs. For vehicles registered as commercial, TIR and passenger coaches, kindly contact Virtu Ferries [email protected] +356 22069022
- Data Protection – The person (whether natural or non-natural) making the booking acknowledges that he is solely responsible for making sure that the provision of personal data to us, whether his own or that of another individual, fully complies with applicable Data Protection Laws (including, without limitation, Regulation 2016/679) as may be amended from time to time and that the relevant person with respect to whom the personal data relates has been provided with the necessary information at law regarding the processing of his personal data by us. The person making the booking further agrees that any information notices, consents or other applicable requirements that may be required for the provision of third party data to us shall be fulfilled solely by him. In this respect, the person making the booking hereby fully indemnifies us and shall render us completely harmless against all costs, damages or liability of whatsoever nature resulting from any claims or litigation (instituted or threatened) by any third party against us as a result of the provision of any third party personal data to us by him.
- Emergency / parking brakes must be secure during crossing. On disembarkation, drivers may only start their engines when instructed by the crew.
- Passengers are reminded to read the Conditions of Carriage, which are included in the passenger ticket.
- The Passenger shall be liable to and shall reimburse the Carrier for all damages to the vessel and its furnishings and any equipment or property of the Carrier caused directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by any act or omission of the Passenger, whether accidental, wilful or negligent. The Passenger shall further indemnify the Carrier and each and all of their agents or servants against all liability whatsoever arising from any personal injury, death or damage or loss whatsoever caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by any wilful or negligent act or omission on the part of the Passenger.
- The Company would not be responsible for and will not offer compensation to passengers that might be refused to board the vessel by Port or Local Authorities.
- Passengers shall neither pay nor receive any general average contribution with respect to any property.
- Should any provision, or portion of any provision, of these Conditions of Carriage be contrary to or invalid by virtue of Maltese jurisdiction or be so held by a Maltese, such provision shall be deemed to be severed from this Ticket and of no force and effect and all remaining provisions herein shall continue to be in full force and effect. The headings of this Ticket are for convenience of reference only and shall not define or limit any of the terms or provisions hereof.